Sunday, 25 September 2016

Repetition and Rhythm Assignment - CyberARTS Year One Tech - Ms. Silverman - Caleb - Sept. 27. 2016

                                                        My CyberARTS Dynamic Line Art

                                                      My CyberARTS Rhythm Line Art
     It was of course my main focus for my Rhythm assignment to have rhythm, but I tried to have some sense of it in both my pieces. For my Dynamic piece I tried to keep rhythm using thin lines in the foreground instead of using both thick and thin there. I wanted to keep it a little organized yet different. With the rhythm piece I just kept straight, horizontal lines.

    I think both the pieces work well, even though to me they looked better on paper. But to me the Rhythm project turned out a little better than that of my Dynamic line art project. I think if did because the lines seem to be more appealing to the eye than the Dynamic assignment. This would make the Dynamic piece look more discordant than the other one.

   My Dynamic piece makes me think of ribbon because of the curved lines, the emotion I get from it is a false happiness. The curved lines show the fake smiles or happiness while the lines show the more stressed or depressed side of the character. My rhythm art makes me think of almost success, my eyes start at the bottom which are thick, hard lines and raise to thin lines. I see it as someone coming from a hard, dark time and making their way up to a happier life filled with a lot of space and time to do their own things.

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